VI Simpósio Internacional sobre a Justiça / 6th International Symposium on Justice

Invited Papers & Lectures

Alvaro De Vita, A justiça internacional entre o humanitarismo e o igualitarismo global

Ana Carolina da CAlvaro De Vita, A justiça internacional entre o humanitarismo e o igualitarismo globalosta e Fonseca

Carlos Sávio Teixeira, Filosofia Política e Experimentalismo Democrático: Alternativa para realizar a Justiça

Christoph Horn, The Concept of Justice: How Fundamental is it for Ethics and Political Philosophy? (Abstract)

Cinara Nahra, Our deontological-utilitarian minds

Daniel Peres, “Appel an das Publikum

Denílson L. Werle, Justiça, liberdades básicas e as bases sociais do autorespeito

Denilson L. Werle, Justice, basic liberties and social bases of self-respect

Jorge Moll, A neural signature affiliation

Kathya Araujo, Equality: Sociological remarks for an interdisciplinary dialog on justice

Klaus-Gerd Giesen, Justice in Cyberwar (Abstract)

Luiz Bernardo Leite Araújo, Debating the politics of secularism in modern moral order (Abstract)

Luiz Repa, Os direitos humanos entre a moral e a política: sobre o cosmopolitismo em Jürgen Habermas

Marco A. Azevedo, On the moral distinction between morality and moralism

Marek Hrubec, A Critical Concept of Injustice: Trichotomy Critique, Explanation, and Normativity (Abstract)

Maria Borges, We are all Ninjas: Sympathy, solidarity and evolutionary ethics

Marina Velasco, Conflicts between basic rights and balancing: Why should judges abandon the deontological stance?

Noel Struchiner, The Unbearable Lightness of Being a Dwarf: An Experimental Philosophy of Law Study on Intuitions Regarding Dwarf-Tossing (Extended Abstract

Nythamar de Oliveira, Recasting the Naturalism-Normativity Debate: Neuroscience, Neurophilosophy, Neuroethics

Zuzana Uhde, Global Justice and Ethics of Care

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